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3 steps. Waiting for the click. 3 steps. Focus on a point far away. 3 steps. Keep the horizon straight. 3 steps.
For one year Pé Okx walked the Westfriese Omringdijk, in the north of Holland.
In a yearlong project, each month he walked a section of the dike for one day. From sunrise till sunset, taking a photograph every three steps and waited 12 seconds before snapping the shutter. A very slow walk through the countryside. Where he stopped at the end of each day, he continued his walk one month later, again at sunrise. Through all kinds of weather, in spring and fall, he examined the perception of time. The more than 40.000 pictures are mounted into a movie of 45 minutes. Because of the on-going image sequence the spectator travels with high speed through days and seasons. Every time a day ends and a new one begins, one month is gone. The notion of ‘time’ is seen from another perspective. The movie shows the beauty and dynamic of the Dutch landscape in an intriguing way.
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